This is a place specially made for a person interested in essential knowledge for a safe living and in a safe Environment. Malayalam Articles on Environment related topics and a short treaties on Cancer is special about this site. Here you may note detailed information on certain Topics. Your topic of interest or your question is on some other topic kindly contact us with your questions or doubts so that we can try to help you find out the information or answer for you. Topics on which consultation and training are available are also given.
Dr. Adelaide Calisto Fernandez maintains this site, furnishes the information, carries on with consultation and lecture work, and Organise Training Programmes. He is a product of the University of Kerala. He superannuated from the National Institute, Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology (SCTIMST), Trivandrum 695011. Under his leadership The Division of Toxicology, SCTIMST got ISO 17025 accreditation from COFRAC of France. He was also, the Head of the Division of Laboratory Animal Science and member secretary for the Institutional Animals Ethics Committee (IAEC) at SCTIMST. He was a trainer for Animal House Managers, Laboratory Animal Technicians and Newcomers in quality platforms and implementation. He taught Environmental Toxicology in the School of Environmental Sciences, Cochin University as visiting professor. He was a member of the board of studies at the University of Cochin and the University of Kerala. He is a Consultant in Toxicology, Environmental Science, Hygiene and Safety, Ethics, Values and Quality System, Animal Welfare and Laboratory Animal Science, Waste Management at Source, etc.
In Thebs news from various News Papers are selected and presented for its readers. Topics of Environment, Health, Moral science and science in general are given and we are indebted to The Hindu, Indian Express, Malayala Manorama, Mathrubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Deepika, The Economic Times and Business Line Dailies.
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